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Immunization Requirements- All Students

Immunization Syringe

Any student entering 6th grade and all new students must have the required State of NJ mandated immunizations by their 11th birthday.  The required immunizations are Tetanus, Diptheria, Pertussis (Tdap) and Meningococcal.  Please give the proper documentation to the school nurse.  This is a requirement before entering Middle School.  The required form can be accessed

from this page.

Immunization Schedule-ages 7-18

Tdap /Vaccination Information

Meningococcal/Vaccination Information

HPV/Vaccination Information


According to the New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH), all students will be expected to comply with all vaccine requirements prior to attending virtually or in-person at a NJ school.  (N.J.A.C.8:57-4)



Incoming 6th grade immunization requirements - English

Incoming 6th grade immunization requirements - Spanish

Incoming 6th grade immunization requirements - Haitian Creole